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module ges_recognize(
input wire sys_clk ,
input wire sys_rst_n ,
output wire scl ,
inout wire sda ,
output wire [3: 0] led
wire [2: 0] step ;
wire [5: 0] cfg_num ;
wire [15: 0] cfg_data ;
wire cfg_start ;
wire i2c_clk ;
wire i2c_start ;
wire [7: 0] po_data ;
paj7620_cfg paj7620_cfg_inst(
.i2c_clk (i2c_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.cfg_start (cfg_start ),
.step (step ),
.cfg_num (cfg_num ),
.cfg_data (cfg_data ),
.i2c_start (i2c_start )
i2c_ctrl i2c_ctrl_inst(
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.i2c_start (i2c_start ),
.cfg_num (cfg_num ),
.cfg_data (cfg_data ),
.cfg_start (cfg_start ),
.step (step ),
.i2c_clk (i2c_clk ),
.scl (scl ),
.sda (sda ),
.po_data (po_data )
led_ctrl led_ctrl_inst(
.sys_clk (sys_clk ),
.sys_rst_n (sys_rst_n ),
.po_data (po_data ),
.led (led )